IX4-300d custom startup script

Modify Startup Script on Iomega/Lenovo ix4-300d NAS

We want our installed applications to be started whenever we start or restart our NAS without having to log in with ssh and start the service manually. This can be done by creating a “Startup” script and telling your NAS to execute it every boot/reboot. Then we can add as many services as we want.


!!! Doing this will void your warranty !!!
!!! Do this on your own risk, this may break your NAS !!!

– SSH Access(Guide Here)

Creating a Startup Script
Login to your NAS, and create the Startup script “init.opt.sh”:

nano /opt/init-opt.sh

Paste this code in your startup script

rm /opt/init-opt.log
echo "Last bootup:" >> /opt/init-opt.log
date >> /opt/init-opt.log
echo "Wait one minute, so that the storage pool 
is mounted" >> /opt/init-opt.log
sleep 1m
# Services after this line

# Services before this line
sleep 360d

Save (CTRL+O and ENTER) and exit (CTRL+X), now make the file executable:

chmod +x /opt/init-opt.sh

now make a new file “editconfig.sh” :

nano /opt/editconfig.sh

and paste this code in your “editconfig.sh”:

mknod -m0660 /dev/loop3 b 7 3
chown root.disk /dev/loop3
mkdir /tmp/apps
mount -o loop /boot/images/apps /tmp/apps
nano /tmp/apps/usr/local/cfg/sohoProcs.xml
sleep 1
umount /tmp/apps
rm /dev/loop3

now save the file (CTRL+O … ENTER) and exit (CTRL+X) and now make the file executable:

chmod +x /opt/editconfig.sh

Now run the script :


(Don’t remove the editconfig file, it is needed in other guides too)

Now select your firmware version below to continue modifying your startup script :

Add code for and older

now a (nano) editor will open, scroll down and add following lines inside group 1 under mozzyclient like in the screenshot below. you may have to scroll a while:

<Program Name="init-opt.sh" Path="/opt/init-opt.sh">
<SysOption Restart="-1"/>

Putty Startup Script

To save the file, hit CTRL+O, then ENTER to write the file (nano should say “wrote 2xx lines”) then hit CTRL+X to exit the editor. If you are a 100% sure your file is correct, restart your Nas. !!!Only restart your NAS when 100% sure the file is correct, pasting this code wrong or editing anything else in this file may/will break your NAS!!!

Add code for and up

now a (nano) editor will open, scroll down and add following lines inside group 1 before the </Group>:

<Program Name="init-opt.sh" Path="/opt/init-opt.sh">
<SysOption Restart="-1"/>


To save the file, hit CTRL+O, then ENTER to write the file (nano should say “wrote 2xx lines”) then hit CTRL+X to exit the editor. If you are a 100% sure your file is correct, restart your Nas. !!!Only restart your NAS when 100% sure the file is correct, pasting this code wrong or editing anything else in this file may/will break your NAS!!!

Adding Startup Services
Add the line that’s required to start a daemon to the “init-opt.sh” file. These lines are given at the end of every NAS Service tutorial on this site!

to view the logfile created every time the startup script is executed.

cat /opt/init-opt.log
Startup Script Example
rm /opt/init-opt.log
echo "Last bootup:" >> /opt/init-opt.log
date >> /opt/init-opt.log
echo "Wait one minute, so that the storage pool is mounted" >> /opt/init-opt.log
sleep 1m
# Services after this line

/opt/bin/transmission-daemon --config-dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/config/transmission/ --allowed *.*.*.* >> /opt/init-opt.log
echo "Transmission Started " >> /opt/init-opt.log

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.apps/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py --server --daemon
echo "SABnzbd Started" >> /opt/init-opt.log

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/CouchPotatoServer/CouchPotato.py --data_dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/_config/couchpotato/ --daemon
echo "Couchpotato Started" >> /opt/init-opt.log

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/Sick-Beard/SickBeard.py --daemon
echo "Sickbeard Started" >> /opt/init-opt.log

export PATH
cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/minecraft/mc
java -Xms256M -Xmx512M -jar minecraft.jar nogui
echo "Minecraft Started" >> /opt/init-opt.log

# Services before this line
sleep 360d



25 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I followed the instructions and it went well until I wanted to change the startup file, there is no “nano” folder
    I have an X2 instead of a X4.

    grt, Guido verholen(Belgium)

    1. “nano” is the program that allows you to edit text files, you can change every “nano” by “vi” or “vim”, these are text editors but are a bit different:
      -to insert text => type i then type your text
      -to save => ESC -> :wq -> enter

      you can also try to install “nano” by using one of the following lines:
      – /opt/bin/ipkg install nano
      – apt-get install nano

      always double check your files before restarting, wrong code can break your Nas!!

  2. Hi Steven

    I was attempting to do this and when I went to say I noticed the filename was sohoprocs.xml so I decided to not save my changes.

    Running /opt/editconfig.sh, the file is now empty… Have I totally screwed something up?

    1. root@NAS:/# /opt/editconfig.sh << First time open, CTRL+X, N to save changes
      root@NAS:/# /opt/editconfig.sh << Empty File Now?
      mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/apps': File exists
      mount: could not find any free loop device
      umount: /tmp/apps: not mounted

      1. The editconfig.sh should not be empty after execution, this file should be executed after every update to restore your servers. I would recommend removing your files and try this guide again, i found a small fault in the guide… this may be the problem.

        1. Sorry, the editconfig.sh isn’t empty, but the sohoProcs file that it generates doesn’t populate with any values since running it that first time. It’s blank when I run /opt/editconfig.sh for some reason

          1. sounds like the editconfig has a wrong path or filename and created a new file, paths and filenames are case sensitive… did you copy-paste the file or just typed it? check if your editconfig is the same as mine.

          2. I copy pasted everything listed above.

            Thought I’d try and start over so I deleted the init-opt.sh and the editconfig.sh, and also removed /tmp/apps


            root@NAS:/opt# rm editconfig.sh
            root@NAS:/opt# rm init-opt.sh
            root@NAS:/opt# cd ..
            root@NAS:/# nano /opt/init-opt.sh
            root@NAS:/# chmod +x /opt/init-opt.sh
            root@NAS:/# nano /opt/editconfig.sh
            root@NAS:/# chmod +x /opt/editconfig.sh
            root@NAS:/# /opt/editconfig.sh
            mount: could not find any free loop device
            umount: /tmp/apps: not mounted
            root@NAS:/# /opt/editconfig.sh
            mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/apps’: File exists
            mount: could not find any free loop device
            umount: /tmp/apps: not mounted

            I should’ve just saved the file the first time it generated 🙁

  3. Looks like my programs aren’t starting up after reboot. I can start them myself.

    rm /opt/init-opt.log
    echo “Last bootup:” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    date >> /opt/init-opt.log
    echo “Wait one minute, so that the storage pool
    is mounted” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    sleep 1m
    # Services after this line
    /opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.apps/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py –server $
    echo “SABnzbd Started” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    /opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.apps/CouchPotatoServer/CouchPotat$
    echo “Couchpotato Started” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    /opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.apps/Sick-Beard/SickBeard.py –da$
    echo “Sickbeard Started” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    # Services before this line
    sleep 360d

    1. is the script executed? check if there is a “init-opt.log” file, also did you do the chmod +x (add execute rights)? you can try “chmod 777 /opt/init-opt.sh”. also are you logged in as root?

  4. I have PX-300D running version When I run /etc/editconfig.sh and modify the XML under Group Level 1, paste the new program …i am unable to save the sohoProcs.xml doing CTRL+O -> Enter. i get the following message: “Error writing /tmp/apps/usr/local/cfg/sohoProcs.xml: Read-only file system” .

  5. Hello, I think I bricked It. I followed the instructions above (copy and pasted.) I cannot access the nas any more–web access, share or ssh. I rebooted the nas, it goest through disk configuration, displays the ip address and time. I tried to press the arrow keys but it doesn’t switch displays. When I try to access the webgui, it stuck at “processing” and the nas display goes blank. The firmware is

    Please, is there a way to revert back or re-image the firmware?
    Thank you!

    1. I managed to ssh into the nas while it was booting. While having the xml file opened in nano, I somehow prevented something to execute and the box booted fine. I reverted the changes and reboot. NAS is back to normal now.

  6. Hi Steven! After modifications of the startup script my IX4-300d NAS hangs on 75% load. Only ping, no shares, no web or ssh access. Is it possible reset to factory defaults any way?

  7. I am trying to run this on PX6-300d.

    I login with root user, download scripts, its ok.
    When I run, I could not write config, and then run step by step to check.

    I get “mount: warning: /tmp/apps seems to mounted read-only”.

    Whats is wrong?

    May be its not compatible with px6-300d?



  8. Awesome blog and script, kudoz to that!
    So i recently FOUND a broken PS3 on the street, it had a corrupted file system, formatted it and reinstalled fresh PS3 OS, works like a charm.
    I want to use a popular way of hosting PS3 games on my old ix-400d NAS.
    There is a tool called PS3netsrv that does that job.
    I have the tool up and running on the NAS? But for some annoying reason it won’t start up with the script!

    weird because if ssh into the NAS after boot and bash init-opt.sh it DOES work…

    my script :

    rm /opt/init-opt.log
    echo “Last bootup:” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    date >> /opt/init-opt.log
    echo “Wait one minute, so that the storage pool is mounted” >> /opt/init-opt.log
    sleep 1m

    Services after this line

    #start ps3netsrv
    echo “attempting to start ps3netsrv”
    cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/ps3netserv/webMAN/Projects/ps3netsrv
    nohup ./ps3netsrv /mnt/pools/A/A0/ps3netserv/ps3netsrv &

    Services before this line

    sleep 360d

    see anything wrong? any tips to get it running on startup?
    I know it might have been a while since anybody posted in this thread, but still any suggestion is welcome 🙂



  9. When executing editconfig.sh, mknod is returning an invalid mode message – I’ve checked the /dev directory and the loop3 node is not being created. Until I know what’s going on, I’m not going near a restart – I’d rather not brick my NAS!

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