Nazi Zombie Eisden, developed by me(NiiGHTMARE)! This map is a small house based on my grandmother’s. It’s a small fast paced map, though that shouldn’t keep you from trying out the map. Ideally, this is a perfect map for those with 2-3 players, and a keen eye for zombie killing.
Map Title : Eisden
Map Version : 1.0
Game : Call Of Duty World At War V1.4+
Supported Gametype : Nazi Zombie
Map Size : 2-4 : Small Map
Contents of this Package :
Some screenshots,the readme.
Installation Instructions:
Extract to–
(XP)C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_PROFILE\Local
Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\
**Yes all the files go inside mods\nazi_zombie_eisden, even the map**
Launch CoDWaW.exe, go to Mods and launch “nazi_zombie_eisden”.
You MUST launch the mod to play the map, there is no way around this.
Create a lobby and invite your friends who already have
the mod. There is no HTTP Redirect or downloading off the host
in Co-op. Change the server to Nazi zombie Mode and it’ll be
listed on map list.
SOLO Playing:
If you wish to play alone then open console
(~) and type “/map nazi_zombie_eisden”. The
number of zombies increases with more players so solo play is feasible.
Construction Time : Few months due some script errors
Custom Content : Loadscreen,Localized string,sound
Known Bugs : vending machines having some minor bugs. no mission screen while in lobby.
Special Thanks :
Special thanks for testing to:
Mapping help
This readme file was generated at
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Map intro:
Eisden is included in the Fileplanet “Undead Revenge Mappack” – Download
Also, Nazi zombie eisden was on
This is the source code from my most popular zombie map for COD:WAW, feel free to edit and release.
0 forks.
0 stars.
0 open issues.
Recent commits:
- updated README, GitHub
- Uploaded .map file, GitHub
- Initial commit, GitHub
4 Responses
This is a great weblog. I have been back more than once within the last few days and want to subscribe to your rss feed but cannot work out the best way to do it accurately
Hi, now that GameFront is back online, would it be okay to have the map uploaded to the site once more? The download links on ZombieModding for the map are broken since the file is missing on GameFront despite it returning. It would be much appreciated.
Sure, i will upload to gamefront. Nice to hear its returning
Great to hear! Pretty much every World at War file is missing from GameFront (although the other COD games retain most of their files), so I have been trying to get those old files back to the site. It is much appreciated to have another old map like this back up. 🙂