SSH Access on IOmega/Lenovo IX4-300d NAS

SSH on Iomega / Lenovo IX / PX NAS systems is a hidden feature and meant for support personnel only, AND…. here is how to enable SSH on your device. This allows us to install unsupported Linux servers like SickBeard, SABnzbd, CouchPotato, Transmission…

!!! Use it at your own risk !!!

Enable SSH on IX4-300d

To access the hidden “support” page, open one of the following links with your server IP. Depending on your current firmware, one of these URLs should bring up the support page.

Firmware : : http:// [NAS IP]/manage/diagnostics.html : http://[NAS IP]/diagnostics.htm
not working? Try :  http://[NAS IP]/support.html

The following screen will open and you can set a password:

ix4-300D SSH Settings

Now that the SSH service is running on your NAS, you can now connect to your server:

Username : root
Password : soho + password (if password = 123 ==> soho123 )

Shared Folders location

Connecting - Putty
Fill in your NAS IP, port(default 22) and select connection type “SSH”:


Now click “Open”, the first time, you will get a warning message, click “Yes”:


Now login with username “root” and password soho + password. (if password = 123 ==> soho123 )


You are now connected.

Connecting - Winscp

Fill in your NAS IP, port(default 22), username, password and select connection type “SCP”:


Now click “Login”


Winscp may show a message telling the “host key” was not found in cache. Click “Yes”.


You are now connected.

Connecting - Mac Terminal

Open terminal and enter following line, change the IP to your NAS IP.

ssh root@

An authentication message will appear, type “yes” and hit enter. Now fill in your password and hit Enter.


You are now connected.

See my other guides for the IX4-300D:
Install Optware
Modify startup script
Minecraft Server
Update your NAS
SABNzbd Server
Transmission Server
NZBGet Server
Silence your NAS Fans
Couchpotato Server
Sickbeard Server
Turn on/off your NAS in Homekit
Fix unremovable Folders



53 Responses

    1. There is no option for a private key in the web settings… There may be a way to do this by manually finding and changing the SSH server’s config file.

      1. Once you have ssh connected the NAS:
        – create root HOME
        – modify /etc/passwd to reflect the new home dir for root,
        – create .ssh directory (mode 700) in root’s home
        – create .file authorized_keys in .ssh
        – cp the private key for your account in the client machine you used to connect to NAS

        Now if you try ssh root@nas_ip you should not be required for a password.
        If you find problems, switch verbose on in your ssh command

        Good luck

        1. How do you make the /root or /home/root to stay after the reboot of the device. Both of the locations are deleted after device reboot. Thanks

  1. How did you change the message on the display? Most of all I’m interested in a way of putting the display off after x minutes and on after pushing a button…

    1. ix4-300d Manual:
      Reset Button — Hold the Reset button for four seconds to reset security and network settings. This allows you to regain access if network settings are incorrect or you’ve forgotten your password.
      CAUTION! Holding the Reset button for longer than 15 seconds while the ix4-300d Network Storage is powered on will result in a full factory reset(wipes data).

      1. Thanx it’s work but now i want to install web server for ruby on rails on my NAS ! How to ?

    1. you can see if UMS is in the repository list, run following command :
      /opt/bin/ipkg list

      this will show a list of all apps you can download from the server,to install an app :
      /opt/bin/ipkg install “appname”

      To list all installed apps :
      /opt/bin/ipkg list_installed

  2. i succesfully managed to login only with a private key, and also after a reboot it worked. so i made it to only login with a private key.
    after a real power down i’m not able to get into the ix4 anymore, i think my .ssh directory is missing.
    is there a alternetive way to get into the ix4? or when i upgrade to the latest firmware will the sshd_config overwritten? and so is with the latest firmware possible to get everything to work again?

  3. Steve – this is great information. You seem to know more than EMC Lenovo support – they have limited knowledge of the inner workings of their own device. Anyhow, I’m trying to install an SSL cert from GoDaddy. I managed to extract a CSR file from the NAS device, but I’m having difficulty installing the CRT file downloaded from GoDaddy using the web interface. Can this be done from OpenSSL? If so, any guidance would be much appreciated.

  4. Hi Steven, i tried following your instructions for enabling SSH, but it says port 22 is already in use. Does that mean SSH is already enabled, or should I just use a different port?


  5. I have 3 of these NAS and want to change the logo and slow down the fans (it’s quite cold where I keep them) but I have a question – Can Firmware be updated after these changes?

  6. Hello Steve
    I have an ix4 300d. I am able to enable ssh. I am able to install Optware and the to modify startup script but when i reboot the device the directories in the opt directory have been removed other than the original directories. Am i doing something wrong?is it related to directory permissions? Not sure. Glad of any help

    1. Dear Anthony Hughes, I have exactly the same problem as you and after a reboot I have everything cleared. Have you found a solution to the problem? I will be very grateful to you for any hint!

  7. Steve– A useful option for speeding up these NAS units is adjusting the stripe size. I’ve noticed that mine was rebuilding terribly slow and the default cache size was set to 2048. 16M seems to work much better.

    echo 16384 >> /sys/block/md1/md/stripe_cache_size

    Someday I’ll write the shell script to auto-adjust the fan speed based on the temperature and send it over too you.

      1. No, the stripe_cache setting is specific to RAID5 and maybe RAID1.
        FYI– during resync (or anytime for that matter), you can run:
        cat /proc/mdstat
        to check the status of the RAID, including the resync speed.
        In my RAID5 (4x Samsung Spinpoint HD204UI 2TB drives) I was getting about 22MB/sec; Bumping up to 16M stripe sped me up to over 40. Of course, the same drives in an actual Linux machine with software raid resync’s at nearly double that.

  8. Hi Steven, I’m having an issue where we had some sort of power failure and when I booted the ix4-330d up, I get the USB and Network symbols. I tried upgrading the firmware via USB but get a no zImage message. The appliance gets an IP Address and responds to ping, but I can’t get to the web interface and it refuses telnet/ssh. Any ideas? Thanks.

    1. I’m sorry but i dont know that much about restoring a ix4 device. but i know there are some ppl on a forum who unbricked their device. is your usb fat32 and is the file indeed correct?

      1. Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried multiple USB’s in multiple formats to try to get this thing going. My boss bit the bullet and ordered another ix4 so we can try to get the data. I think the RAID is fine so we are hoping we can just plug the disks into the new one.

        1. Scott–
          Two things– In disk-less NAS units, there is a flash rom that boots the device, assembles the raid, and starts up.. In units that shipped with disks, the flash rom was omitted and the system boots off the disks (a small partition), a system that is a little more dangerous IMHO.

          The drives are a Linux MD raid. It gets a little tricky with the way Lenovo/Iomega created the volume groups though. If you drop them into a Linux machine, (or any machine and boot an Ubuntu DVD) you should be able to reassemble the array, scan for volume groups, mount the file system, and then copy your data off..
          Good Luck!

  9. Any idea where to put start up scripts in FW 4.1.312.34560 so they won’t be deleted after reboot?

    1. Hi, i don’t have the nas anymore but your script gets removed on reboot? so you were still able to insert the script in the startup daemons using from my other tutorial?

      If that is still working its just the script that gets removed, you could try to move it to a different location, not sure but try some of the folders in the root etc,bin… and see if that works, you could also try to put the script on your share /mnt/pools/A/A1/****** and see if it runs (not sure if the pools are mounted before the script gets executed)

      Hope that will help

    1. Hi, I’m sorry to hear. I don’t know where the configuration for the shares is actually stored but there is a big chance you can access your shares via ssh. they are located under /mnt/pools/A/A0/*Sharename*, if they are not available you could look into some Linux guides as the firmware is just a Linux distribution.

        1. Great to hear its working, I’m actually not using the NAS anymore due to too many data losses lately (partially my own fault). I’m got back to using a USB-SATA disk reader until I built my windows server.

        2. Great to hear. I’m not using the NAS anymore due to too many data losses (sometimes my own fault). I switched to a USB-SATA dock until I built my windows server.

    1. This tutorial is still working on the latest firmware. you should be able to enable ssh by using the “diagnostics” url just like you would on any of the previous firmwareS.

  10. Great blogs btw, some really good stuff. Would you know the path to modify the fan config file for the px4-300r once I get in via SSH? I tried following your path and there is nothing like it in the px4-300r.

    It appears fan 5and 6 are the ones that spin up to 20K for a 30 seconds every few hours. I have the March 2020 firmware and it still does it.

    1. These guides are probably not going to work on your system, they are completely different even in architecture. you would have to find the fans another way

  11. Hello, I did the firmware update and now it crashed in a mandatory browser configuration. Asks to create a user, but does not create. Can you help me?

  12. Hi, not sure if this is still monitored, but…

    1. What is the command to shutdown the IX4-300D NAS from a batch script (not thru HomeKit)? I want to automate a proper shutdown when my computer notices the UPS is running low during power outage.

    2. The links to the other guides, in this article, are not working.


  13. Hi, hopefully this is still monitored. I want to send a remote command from my computer (not using Homekit) to the NAS in the case of a power outage (before my UPS dies). What is the command for that? Also, the links to other articles on this page don’t load. Thanks.

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