Sick Beard on IX4-300d NAS

Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they available, Sickbeard downloads, sorts and renames them. Sickbeard supports, NZBMatrix, NZBs’R’Us, Newzbin, Womble’s Index,, TVTorrents, and EZRSS and retrieves show information from and

– SSH Access(Guide Here)
– Custom Startup Script (Guide Here)


First, connect to your NAS server via SSH and navigate to : (you can change  the “Downloads” folder by any share name you have)

cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.Apps

If the folder “.Apps” does not exist, navigate to your share:

cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/

Then make the “.Apps” folder :

mkdir .Apps

Now download the Sickbeard from GitHub:

/opt/bin/git clone


when the downloading is complete, start the server :

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/Sick-Beard/ --daemon

Now open your web browser and navigate to http://[NAS IP]:8081


Auto-start Sickbeard

Add this line on top of the start-up script we created here :

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Downloads/.Apps/Sick-Beard/ --daemon



6 Responses

  1. Do you happen to know if this version of Sickbeard gets updated?

    I know the install I have on my iMac I can update via the web UI, but this version I installed on my NAS doesn’t have that option.

    Is there a way to check and update?

    1. you can try to manually replace the files with the updated version on your “Downloads” share, the folder should be visible if you enable “show hidden files” in windows.

    1. hi, I reverted my ix4-300d to stock firmware, I remember having difficulties getting python 3 to fully work and I eventually gave up. I needed this for the latest version of sabnzbd. I’m sorry but I cannot help you. alternatively you could use a raspberry pi which is optimized for services like this. Also, there’s a risk of bricking your ix4 thus I highly recommend going with a 35$ raspberry pi instead. plenty of guides available for the pi.

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