Android DD-WRT Reboot Widget

DD-WRT Reboot Widget for Android, a quick&easy reboot solution for your DD-WRT Router. This DD-WRT reboot widget will send the reboot command to your DD-WRT router over SSH. This can be useful for when your internet suddenly disconnects. (This tool can generally be used to reboot any Linux installation with SSH)

  • Any Android device 3.2+
  • A DD-WRT powered router with ‘Secure Shell’ enabled
DD-WRT Guide
Login to your router and navigate to the “Services” tab :
Find “Secure Shell” and copy these settings

Click Save Settings and Reboot router. SSH is now enabled.

Setting up the app

Add a new widget to your home screen :


Select the DD-WRT Reboot Widget, a settings screen will open:


Fill in your router settings:

Hostname: IP of your router
Username: by default root unless other users created
Password: same password as the DD-WRT’s WebGUI
Port: default ssh port is 22 unless manually changed in WebGUI

Tab the “Test connection” button to test your settings. the button will turn green if your settings are correct, only then you will be able to add the widget to your home screen:



Google Play Store: DD-WRT Reboot Widget

DD-WRT Forum



2 Responses

    1. I can’t for the life of me get your widget to work. Tried everything I can think of. Could it be that my dd-wrt router is a setup to be a repeater that deployed to extend my current WiFi network? I tried port 22 and manually entered ports. I tried turning on SSH and rebooting normally to see if the changes weren’t sticking correctly. I enabled remote SSH management even though the walkthrough doesn’t mention that. I tried root and admin with my router login password. Nothing… =(

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