DIY Electric Firework/Spudgun Detonater

In this guide, I show how to build an electronic fireworks/spudgun detonator. for this detonator, ill be using a simple barbeque igniter and some speaker terminals, this way we can safely attach remote detonation wires and detonate anything from a safe distance. the barbeque lighter uses a standard AA battery and actually lasts extremely long.



– Electric BBQ Igniter : Dealextreme / Ebay #1 / Ebay #2 / Ebay #3
– Hobby Enclosure (200x120x75mm) : Ebay #1 / Ebay(check size)
– Easy wiring Terminals :
Terminals : DX#1 / DX#2
Terminals : DX#1 / DX#2 / DX#3

– Basic hobby tools:
– Glue Gun: Dealextreme
– Soldering Iron: Dealextreme
 Drill, Spare Wires, Tin…


First, we need to drill some holes in the top cover of our project box, drill 2 larger holes in the center and drill 3 smaller holes that allow our terminals to get their wires inside the box:


The holes don’t have to be perfect since there will be a large border covering them, the only thing that has to go through are the connector pins for the 3 terminals and the button.

Then solder wires onto the connectors and fit them through the newly drilled holes:


Solder the wires onto the terminals on your electric igniter and fit the igniter through the hole & secure it with the extra mounting ring that came with it:


To prevent the spark from choosing a shorter path inside our box, add some hot glue to the terminals, try to completely shield the open wires:


Close your project box & test your igniter, it can be used to
– Ignite SpudGun
– ignite fireworks
– Testing spark plugs



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