
Hello, My name is Steven B. I was born in 1991 and live in Belgium. I’m a tech enthusiast and an App Developer as a hobby and job.


For each of my DIY ‘project’, I would write a small log or guide to myself in the form of a word document. This was in case I would have to repair something years later I would be able to quickly read my own tutorial and be back in no time. The list of personal tutorials kept growing over time and then came the idea that if I found these guides useful, other people may find them useful as well. The logs were pretty detailed and I could make them public with just minimal extra work and help others trying to do or build the same. Then the idea of a personal website was born and in the time getting more popular. As I still keep doing ever-growing larger projects, I will keep posting them for myself and others. As a small bonus to myself, I added ads and referral links which help me keep the website online and in some cases pay back some of the projects. I hope that my projects are fun and inspiring to my readers.

My way of writing guides

Usually, when browsing the web for a solution, I hate it when the guide is unclear, there is no complete code or just 10 pages of text you have to read to understand the guide. I like guides that are separated into parts, filled with images and short commands what to do step by step.

I also read the comments from users, this helps me understand the reader and improve the guides so they are clear to everyone even without any computer experience. I also use a lot of images, since an image tells more than 1000 words so readers can frequently check if they are still following the tutorial correctly.

Help me keep the website online
Hi, did you find any of my content interesting or did help you. You can help me too. you can help me keep the website online or just buy me a beer via a PayPal donation. Also disabling adblocker on this website will also help me a lot.

Last Word

I would like to thank everyone for visiting my blog, suggestions on how to improve my blog, guides or just a compliment 🙂 can be posted beneath this page. Thanks.

 Website, most of the guides are just guidelines and should not be followed exactly, I recommend everyone to unleash their creativity and build something unique based on my guides rather than creating an exact copy. Some parts of guides are deliberately not as detailed as other parts as in most cases this should be default knowledge before starting or products may vary widely with different instructions. I also recommend reading the full tutorial before ordering any of the linked products so you know the complete process before starting

Steven B.

4 Responses

  1. Hello Steven.

    Ik ga er vanuit dat je als Vlaming geen moeite hebt met het lezen van dit bericht 🙂 Ik zou je graag wat vragen stellen over de E3 flashes. Kan ik je hier over mailen wellicht?

  2. Hi Steven. I just went back to your 10$ USB to DMX guide. Thanks for incorporating my video in the page! I really like your blog. It’s interesting and cool. Keep up the good work!

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