Black Ops III – Zombie Eisden, The fight is not over YET!
Eisden, Belgium… 7 years after the outbreak, grandma is still alive and she ain’t planning to die anytime soon. A rebuild of my most popular map in call
Eisden, Belgium… 7 years after the outbreak, grandma is still alive and she ain’t planning to die anytime soon. A rebuild of my most popular map in call
While making the nazi_zombie_eisden map, I’ve been working on a second map called “Smallfarm”. However due to time constraints and scripting errors I’ve decided to
Nazi Zombie Eisden, developed by me(NiiGHTMARE)! This map is a small house based on my grandmother’s. It’s a small fast paced map, though that shouldn’t
Here are a few weapon skins I created for Call of duty 2. These skins come in .IWD file format and should be placed inside your
Play the original Call of Duty on any resolution and aspect ratio you want. This is a small tool that should be placed inside the