Couchpotato on IX4-300d NAS

In this guide I will cover the Couchpotato installation on your IX4-400d NAS, Couchpotato is a server application that will download movies and especially series episodes automatically, easily and in the best quality as soon as they are available on torrent websites or Usenet. Couchpotato will automatically search the most popular sources and find the best available source. Once setup correctly your series will appear on your NAS drive as soon as they aired anywhere in the world.

– SSH Access(Guide Here)
– Custom Startup Script (Guide Here)
Installation & Configuration

First, connect to your server via SSH and navigate to :

cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps

Now download the Couchpotato server from GitHub :

/opt/bin/git clone

This may take a few seconds depending on your internet connection… When the downloading is done… you can start your server:

ix4-300d install couchpotato

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/CouchPotatoServer/ --data_dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/_config/couchpotato/ --daemon

Now open your web browser and navigate to [NAS IP]:5050. the configuration will appear:

First, choose a username and password for Couchpotato.

couchpotato welcome

Next, the setup will ask you to configure download servers/software, I will be configuring SABnzbd and Transmission since these are already server I am running on my NAS :

My personal link to my transmission server is:

Just fill in the IP and port of your server in the “Host” field and if you have a username and password set, fill in these fields. the download folder shouldn’t be changed since it will use the default transmission download folder.

couchpotato transmission

My local link to my sabnzbd server is :

to use SABnzbd in Couchpotato, Couchpotato will need an “API Key”, this API key can be found in the settings on your SABnzbd server :

http://[NAS IP]:8080/config/general/

The key can be found here, make sure the “Disable API-key” checkbox is unchecked.

sabzbd api key

Now copy & paste the key in the “API Key” field. Then fill in as Category “Couchpotato”. All downloads from Couchpotato will be categorized under “Couchpotato” in SABnzbd.

couchpotato sabnzbd api key

Now you can select Nzb sites, select following sites, these are free and don’t require a login and password:

couchpotato usenet providers

Now choose if you want Couchpotato to rename your files. Caution may confuse other movie library software.

couchpotato settings

now click “Finish”.

finishing couchpotato


To make your server start with your NAS, paste next line in your startup-script

/opt/bin/python2.6 /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/CouchPotatoServer/ --data_dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/Media/.Apps/_config/couchpotato/ --daemon

Now save the file and restart your server, your Couchpotato server should come online within a few minutes.

Couchpotato ix4-300d



7 Responses

  1. I’m getting the following error in Couchpotato
    AttributeError: ‘_socketobject’ object has no attribute ‘set_tlsext_host_name’
    Doing a search, it appears it has something to do w/ the wrong version of PythonSSL? Do you happen to know how to get the correct version installed?

    Doing a search I found this –
    But I don’t see a ‘pip’ command that I can run to do the install of pyopenssl

    I followed the steps for Sab, Sickbeard, and Couchpotato a while back.. CP hasn’t been working for me for a while and I’m trying to get it back up and running again.


  2. Thanks for your reply Steven. I went there but Im afraid to tell you that I’m a complete newbie and I do not understand anything I see there. I was hoping for some foolproof guide like the ones you make. Is there somewhere I could read on how to do it, or maybe ask someone?

    1. Hi, I’m afraid i can’t write a guide for your system. Threre would be too many differences due to the difference in architecture of both our nasses

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